O/L Maths Algebra retrieval practice questions

වීජ ගණිතය ගැටලු

This post contains set of G.C.E. O/L algebra questions as separate question sets. some of the questions are from G.C.E O/L past papers. You can do one or two sets per week so that you will practice retrieval with proper spacing.

OL Ganithaya Algebra questions sets

G.C.E O/L Algebra Question set1 - First week

O/L Ganithaya veeja Ganithaya

 G.C.E O/L Algebra Question set2 - Second week

G.C.E. O/L Maths algebra practice question set 2

G.C.E O/L Algebra question set3 - 2016 O/L Maths past paper

වීජ ගණිතය විභාග ප්‍රශ්න අ.පො.ස. සා.පෙ 2016

ol ganithaya 2016 algebra past paper questions

G.C.E O/L Algebra question set4 - 2018 O/L Maths past paper

වීජ ගණිතය විභාග ප්‍රශ්න අ.පො.ස. සා.පෙ 2018

G.C.E O/L algebra past paper question

G.C.E o/l mathematics algebra

O level maths 2018 past paper question algebra

g.c.e o/l algebra past paper question

download 2018 ol maths past paper pdf

G.C.E O/L Algebra question set3 - 2019 O/L Maths past paper

වීජ ගණිතය විභාග ප්‍රශ්න අ.පො.ස. සා.පෙ 2019

o level 2018 past paper algebra question 2

o level mathematics 2019 past paper algebra questions

o/l vija ganithaya past paper questions 2019

gce o/l maths 2019 past paper algebra question 17

G.C.E O/L Algebra question set3 - 2020 O/L Maths past paper

වීජ ගණිතය විභාග ප්‍රශ්න අ.පො.ස. සා.පෙ 2020

ol ganithaya 2020 past paper vija ganithaya question 3

gce o level 2020 past paper question 6

ol 2020 past paper algebra question on factors

gce ordinary level 2020 past paper question on algebra

anukramanaya soyanna 2020 ol question

G.C.E O/L Algebra question set3 - 2021 O/L Maths past paper

වීජ ගණිතය විභාග ප්‍රශ්න අ.පො.ස. සා.පෙ 2021

saadaka soyanna o/l maths

vijiya prakashana sulu kirima o/l exam question

kuda podu gunakaraya

ol ganithaya samikarana visadanna

rekavaka samikaranaya godanaganna

download o/l maths 2021/2022 past paper marking scheme


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