Geometry of triangles O/L Maths short note

ජාමිතිය ත්රිකොණ කෙටි සටහන This O/L math short note is created by referring grade 9, grade 10 and grade 11 text books. Though this short note might make sense to its creator, best thing would be to create your own short note and use this just to get an idea about how to create a short note for Geometry theorems related to triangles. Creating a short note will give you an overall idea of the subject matter and will enable to explain it easily to another person. But it alone dose not help you to get higher marks at G.C.E O/L examination. Following are some of the question from past G.C.E O/L examinations which you can try out periodically to apply the knowledge you captured in the short note. it would be best to do a couple of questions every week rather than doing them all at once. G.C.E O/L Maths past paper geometry of triangle questions ජ්යාමිතිය ගණිත ගැටලු වල ත්රිකොණ පිලිබද ගැටලු තුනක් පමන සැම පසුගිය සා.පෙ. විභාගයකම පලමු කොටසේ අඩන්ගුවේ. මීට අමතරව දෙවන කොටසේද එක් ප්...